My name is Phil Tagami, and I am a born-and-bred Oaklander who is working every day to keep the city moving forward. Let’s start a dialogue, because it is only through open communication that we will reach the truth we all seek.
Current Affiliations
Commissioner, California Lottery Commission President, Friends of the Oakland Fox, a non-profit organization Board Member, East Bay Zoological Foundation, a non-profit organization Delegate to the California Democratic Party
Past Appointments
Independent Board Member, South Bay Expressway SR 125 Private Toll Road 2011 Commissioner, California Transportation Commission 2008-2009 Commissioner, California State Park and Recreation Commission 2003-2006 Mayor’s Alternate, Oakland Base Reuse Authority, 2003-2006 Commissioner, California State World Trade Commission 2002-2003 Board of Port Commissioners, Port of Oakland, President 2001-2002 Board of Port Commissioners, Port of Oakland, Commissioner 1999-2003 Commissioner, Oakland Planning Commission 1996-1997 Member, FISCO, Navy Restoration Advisory Board 1995-1996 Commissioner, Oakland Landmarks Preservation Review Board 1994-1996 Member, Oakland’s General Plan Congress 1994-1997 Member, Mayor’s Economic Emergency Task Force 1993-1996 Member, CBD Mixed Use Committee 1992-1995 Commissioner, Oakland Environmental Affairs Commission 1992-1994
Proverbs 26:24 A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Ps 41:6
Proverbs 26:25 Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven obominations fill his heart. Ps 28:3
Proverbs 26:26 His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. Jer 9:4-8