They have more than sufficient time to refute my claim, by merely providing the affirming documentation LETTER OF DETERMINATION from the IRS and the CERTIFICATE OF MERGER from the CHARITABLE TRUST from the ATTORNEY GENERAL.
Instead Bonta wants to direct the Public to the Secretary of State's website which has been FRAUDULENTLY doctored . The City Attorney Barbara Parker in her own LEGAL OPINION on March 3, 2020 [on page 9, the last bullet point] opines that "PRIOR TO 2019, OAKLAND PROMISE WAS NOT A NON-PROFIT " which means OAKLAND PROMISE could NOT merge with EAST BAY COLLEGE FUND. Additionally, Mayor Schaaf and Mia Bonta is FRAUDULENTLY using EAST BAY COLLEGE FUNDS [EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER #54-2103707] from 2003 as listed on California Secretary of State's website. OAKLAND PROMISE INITIATIVE was launched in 2015/2016. It should be further noted that MIA BONTA filed three(3) FRAUDULENT 990's [2019,2018, and 2017] with an Employer Identification Number #54-2103707. EAST BAY COLLEGE FUND previously filed their 990 for 2017 with EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER #54-2103707.???? On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, 5:19 PM Saundra Andrews <[email protected]> wrote: Wow! I’m shocked. Is this public? Have the both of them been notified of this lawsuit and been provided time to respond and provide the paperwork to avoid this lawsuit? Saundra On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 10:13 AM Gene Hazzard <[email protected]> wrote: Saundra: Here is my lawsuit ,where Mia Bonta is a prime Defendant along with Mayor Schaaf for the. FRAUDULENT misrepresentation of OAKLAND PROMISE as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit public benefit corporation. Neither Bonta nor Mayor Schaaf have provided the authorized affirming documentation a LETTER OF DETERMINATION from the IRS, nor have they provided the affirming document from the CHARITABLE TRUST from the CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL affirming a merger between EAST BAY COLLEGE FUND pursuant to the California Corporation Code 6010(a). Bonta and Mayor Schaaf is out of compliance , clearly establishes that OAKLAND PROMISE is a FRAUD.
Gene HazzardDon't Be Envious of Evil Men Archives
December 2024